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Playmaker Flappy Bird Kit


*Must Own Playmaker
(Playmaker is a 3rd party addon sold by Hutong Games)

Now Supports Unity 2018!

The perfect beginner’s project. Explore key game development concepts in Playmaker and Unity3D. You will discover how to properly implement essential features such as object pooling, pause and resume, playerpref save games, touch controls, parallax scrolling and more! Learn from easy to understand, fully commented state machines.

For those who just want a quick start framework for your own flappy bird type game, this kit is an easily skinnable, mobile ready, highly polished project.

*Requires Playmaker

Note: Both the Flappy Bird and Floppy Fish skins are included!

1 – Rigidbody physics based birds.
2 – 2 unique control styles to choose from, “Flappy” and “Floppy.”
3 – Saves high scores on any platform using Playerprefs.
4 – Touch screen mobile controls built in.
5 – Parallax scrolling multi layered background.
6 – Obstacle pooling system.
7 – Pause and Resume support.
8 – Fully commented logic for easy dissection and tweaking.
9 – Silky smooth 60fps tested on iPad2 and mainstream android devices.
10 – Detailed documentation.
11 – Original artwork and sound included!

Web Player Demo


*It is the customer's sole responsibility to own Playmaker, no refunds will be issued for failure to own the third party asset.

SKU: 3DS-PM-FBK Category:

Product Description

v1.1 (March 21, 2015)

– Added support for Unity 5!

[unity src=”6799″ h=”600″ w=”440″ fullscreen=”no” class=”someClass someOtherClass”]
[unity src=”6800″ h=”600″ w=”440″ fullscreen=”no” class=”someClass someOtherClass”]